Hello everyone. I am Carolyn McGee, Intuitive Coach, Teacher and Healer. I am here for your Tip of the Week. It is the week of April 12th, 2020 and for those of you who celebrate it is Easter. I am also Catholic, so it is a special day for me and the energy this week does feel very similar. So, I am going to use my background as well as my intuition to bring the message forward for you for this week.
What I am feeling is that this is a new beginning with the energy that we’ve had with the pandemic, the sheltering in place and social distancing. Until now, there’s been a lot of disconnect energy. I know that there’s a lot of people are trying to keep engaged by using Zoom, by using FaceTime. In some ways it has actually brought us closer together. Extended families are doing regular meetings where they’re all together and exchanging ideas.
My kids the other night did a trivia night with their cousins and it was a lot of fun for them to interact, engage and spend time with them. They’re all young adults and they don’t get to see each other as they live all over the country. So, it was a beautiful gift. It feels so important for us to focus on the positive.
I was guided to use the Ascended Masters deck and the card that I pulled for us is Crystals.
What I want you to notice in this card is the magic in it, the support and also the movement. You can see there’s a lot of water behind her, at least it looks like water to me. And a lot of growth. So that supports what we’re moving into: we are moving out of that old paradigm of the unhealthy, divine masculine.
It’s not even really divine masculine. It’s the masculine that has held us down, that has made us be competitive, that has forced us to not support each other, to not open up our hearts and not collaborate.
We are now, especially because of the social distancing, are pining for our true essences. Some of us have had a lot more time to meditate. We are spending more time either by ourselves completely or in smaller groups of people. We have more down downtime.
A friend of mine on social media recently posted that she has started doing paint by numbers because it gives her an opportunity to sooth her brain. It becomes a meditative exercise for her. And I loved the idea so much that I ordered one. I will keep you guys posted on how I do once I receive it. Anything that we can do to drop back into that creative aspect of ourselves to really center our energy with creative collaboration is positive.
Another thing that’s come out for me throughout this time is I was asked to be in a collaborative book. It is going to be released at the end of this month and it is 25 healers teaching about a modality that they use. We each tell our own personal story and then we teach a healing tool that can help you at home. It is something you can actually use yourself to help center your energy or heal yourself during these stressful times. I’m really excited about that.
It feels like all these opportunities have come out of this time when it feels dark, it’s so uncertain and there is a lot of loss. There’s loss of life, but there’s also loss in the connection of people. The way we used to do things, that the paradigm of going into an office and doing things in a certain way, there’s a loss associated with that.
There’s a big economic loss that that’s real, that we’re going to need to allow creativity to flow through us so that we can come back in a new and better way. And that’s what it’s all about. So I would love to hear from you and let me know what’s working for you, what’s not working for you? What are you consciously deciding to let go of during this time and what are you stepping more into?
Doesn’t that feel better to say that you’re stepping more into something? So it’s not so much focusing on the loss, it’s really stepping into your creativity, your ability to connect and the opportunities that are being presented to us. So please do connect. Join me in my Facebook group: Enhance Your Intuition. We are active in there and I would love to have you join us there. As always be well and I’ll be back soon.