Do you ever experience those moments when you are not sure if the guidance you are receiving is correct? Especially if you sense following it might be painful? And then you begin to question if you are really connected to your divine intuition?
Sometimes following our internal voice will guide us to actions that result in some painful moments as part of our evolutionary soul journey. Our angels and guides love us enough to allow our soul to experience whatever will bring the highest healing and transformation the fastest – and sometimes it hurts!
I realize that this concept may seem a little confusing, almost counter-intuitive at first. But believe me, this guidance is in line with our highest good, and trusting it will help us move towards that goal with greater flow and ease.
I have experienced this gift myself, and I wrote an article about it a few years ago. The article, “Following Your Intuition Even When It’s Painful”, can be found here in The Wellness Universe archives.
Trusting your intuition is the way to living your highest purpose. Allowing yourself to do so even in moments of emotional discomfort will return gifts of learning and soulful growth in support of your evolution.
I am here to further discuss this with you. You can set up a time to meet with me here.
You can also reach out to me at if you have any requests, feedback, or would like to contact me directly.