Last week I announced some changes to my offerings, including my upcoming program on VoiceAmerica launching on 9/13/2021 and my focus on working with clients to create their own Sacred Havens. I also discussed how these enhancements bloomed from seeds planted as part of my soul’s journey and in synchronization with my divine intentions.
Planting seeds of divine intention helps us manifest our truest desires and live into our highest potential. When we plant seeds of potential, we give ourselves the gifts of being able to visualize a future of possibilities, growth, empowerment, fulfillment, and joy. We also enable ourselves to be active participants in the manifestation of our future.
When planting these seeds of possibility and creating a vision, it is important to be flexible with and unattached to a specific outcome. Doing so prevents mental roadblocks and potential sabotage while allowing the blooms to be created to be how they were meant to bloom for our highest good.
Living from this space of planting seeds of possibilities through a vision with non-attachment and divine guidance can sometimes be challenging. It is often helpful to work with a coach to learn how to master this skill.
If you would like to learn how to more effectively plant your seeds of intention, set up a time that works for you to meet with me HERE.
You can also reach out to me at if you have any requests, feedback, or would like to contact me directly.
I am grateful for all of the enhancements that are blooming from seeds I planted a while back, and I am excited about working with you to plant your seeds.