Practicing faith, grounding, and presence helps you find peace and possibility in the unknown.
It feels lately like there is so much uncertainty, so much unknown about the future. And that can feel unsettling and/or chaotic. And possibly a bit unnerving. The reality is that life is full of unknowns and things that are certain. How we deal with the unknown helps set us up for being grateful for…
How does the full moon energy help you heal?
The first full moon of the year is today, January 17th. This full moon is known as the “Wolf Moon”. It is a time for introspection and transformation. Many perform rituals during each full moon. Doing so provides an opportunity to release that which does not serve you and call in that which aligns with…
As we do our own divine healing, we empower others.
How do you navigate your journey of healing? What would your life be like if you lived from a place of conscious community, living in a Sacred Haven where you can heal, empower, and thrive? As we do our own divine healing, we empower others. We co-create a community where we all thrive. We all live together…
What do you intend to manifest in 2022?
The new year is upon us. And with the new year comes the opportunity to focus on what we intend to manifest. I use the word “intend” on purpose, as opposed to “desire” or “want”. Coming from a place of intention is more empowering, active, and purposeful. When you manifest from a place of intention,…
What is your vision for your sacred haven?
We are in the last week of 2021. It’s a perfect time for reflection and intentions. It is also a wonderful time for asking yourself what your vision is for your sacred haven. What would you be, manifest, and intend for yourself and your actions? How would you show up for yourself and for others?…
Embracing your inner Battle Goddess of Compassion empowers you to love all of your pieces.
I used to live a life that, on the surface, appeared successful and fulfilling. I had achieved many things and was very accomplished. It all looked good, but it really was not. Not deep inside of my soul. The truth is that I felt unfulfilled, fragmented, and a bit inauthentic. I did not fully love…
Healing family drama and trauma empowers the soul to thrive.
The holiday season brings the opportunity to connect with family. While that is often blessed, it can be dramatic and traumatic for some. As beings connected to other energies, we can carry forth pain and suffering from our ancestors. This can cloud our interactions, perceptions, and relationships. It can also keep us stuck in systems…
Divine connection comes from angels and animals.
December is a time for reflection and connection. Reflecting on the year, on ourselves, on our relationships. It is a time to connect, go inward, find gratitude, and look towards the coming year. One way we connect is with our angel guides and animals. Both provide divine energy and messages. We can connect to our…
Community, collaboration, and connection uplevel the energy for all.
Community. Collaboration. Connection. These three concepts are life-changing. Experiencing these enables all to uplevel their energy and to create profound changes in the world. When you live authentically and intentionally in community, collaboration, and connection, you share your gifts with others. You also benefit from the energy of like-minded souls. Honoring these principles creates the…