One of my favorite TV characters is Gibbs from NCIS. The trait I love the most about him is how he follows his guidance. He is famous for following his gut instincts and his intuition. He knows his gut feelings are correct. It has been proven to the people who work with him and respect him that it is a very valid and helpful way to make decisions.
Intuition is an internal guidance system. It is like a GPS that you can follow to get information from the Universe, God, your angels, whatever greater power you believe in, to help you make decisions for your highest good. Your intuition is your body’s resonance with the divine energy that is out there to help you with making choices that are beneficial.
We all have a certain level of intuition. Intuition is like a muscle. You just have to practice using it. The more you practice, the more you exercise your intuition, the stronger it becomes.
My experience is that whenever I ignored my intuition, my journey was more difficult than if I had followed my gut. If I was guided to turn right and I turned left, I would eventually take 3 more left turns to get back to the starting point to have the opportunity to make same decision again (of course with much more insight and knowledge!).
So to help you avoid all those left turns, here are 3 tips to help you strengthen your intuition and believe in it.
- Keep a journal. If you don’t have a lot of experience in understanding that your intuition is true and valid, then start keeping a journal to track your success. Write a list of things that you had a gut feeling to do or not to do. Then write down what you actually did. Over time go back and see what the consequence was. You will begin to see a pattern how life becomes easier when you follow that instinctual guidance and how simple life can be when you do follow your gut.
- Back it up with facts. If you are extremely logical and having a hard time following your intuition based on faith, then after you receive guidance to do something, follow it up with logic. For example, I knew the home I now live in was the right home for me and my kids the moment I walked in. I still did my research. I made sure the price was valid, it was in a good neighborhood and that the school system was excellent. I did external work to validate my intuition. It was absolutely a great decision for me.
- Fortify your Solar Plexus. Your intuition lives and connects out through your Solar Plexus. It is the Chakra center just above your belly button. The energetic color vibration in this area is yellow. To help build up your Solar Plexus and open your intuition, wear yellow, or carry/wear a yellow crystal such as a citrine, amber or topaz. Eating yellow foods such as bananas, yellow peppers, yellow lentils will strengthen your solar plexus and build your connection to your intuition.
Following your intuition and believing in the inner knowledge that everyone has access to opens up many new possibilities and makes life easier. So take the risk and take that leap of faith in yourself!
If you feel like you need some guidance to help you trust your intuition, then I invite you to complete my complimentary coaching session application for a 30 minute call that may change your life!
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