Published in MysticMag 12/22/24
Use gratitude as a tool to reduce the physical symptoms of anxiety or depression:
Everything that surrounds us has a vibration or frequency. David Hawkins developed a scale of emotional states. Anxiety and depression are similar energies to fear and apathy which are below 100 Mhz. Gratitude is like love and joy, which resonate above 500 Mhz.
Depression and anxiety can be paralyzing and feel like nothing can ever make us feel better. Our physical bodies feel heavy, choices are hard, and life is difficult.
Even briefly getting into the higher vibrations, such as gratitude, allow us to break the hold of this energetic pattern. Just a few moments of doing the ABCs of gratitude, being thankful for our family, our friends, the roof over our head, a good meal, our pets, our families, the kindness of a neighbor, a stranger smiling at us, the sun, a flower, etc. puts us into gratitude which is 5 times the energy of depression and anxiety.
Consciously focusing even for a few moments on the good vs the not so good, changes our frequency and increases our energy. Repeating this brief practice a few times a day shifts the energetic patterns in our physical body. This higher vibration allows us to sleep a bit better, our body feels easier to move, the unexplained fatigue lifts, those aches and pains release, and we may feel a glimmer of positivity.
Something that has worked for me is setting a timer on my phone as a reminder to count my blessings and feel that moment of gratitude lighten my energy.
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