Angel message inspired by Kuan Yin
from the Spirit Oracle deck by Toni Carmine Salerno
My first thought was of Reiki when I saw the image of Kuan Yin. A few days ago I spent time with college friends and explained the healing power of Reiki to them. One of my friends was open to a demonstration. She was amazed at the pulsing energy and soothing heat that flowed through my hands. The message that Kuan Yin gives us the through this card is similar. Be open to looking at things differently, don’t hold on to the same way of doing things and be calm in the face of things that don’t seem clear.
It can feel easier to look to the past for guidance and repeat the same lessons over and over again, but it really is harder. Until we shift our focus and look forward to a new way of approaching life’s choices, we are in resistance to the divine energy that is waiting to support us.
There is always divine assistance available to us. The angels are like the orbs that surround Kuan Yin, they are in every direction around us. The beads of divine light that outline her body are our link to our angels. For any choice we have to make, there is an angel waiting to guide us. All we need to do is ask.
It is good and healthy to turn and look to the past on occasion, especially when it is to see how far we have come. Then it is time to face forward and joyfully receive the new gifts that are coming to you. The road before you may not be clear but it if you walk it with the angels, it will be smooth.
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