Connecting with others empowers the energy of joy and humanity.
In last week’s email, I discussed connecting to our ancestors and the opportunity it creates for healing and charting our soul’s purpose. This is a powerful resource for discovering and living as our authentic selves. Another empowering tool for living authentically, being in self-care, and bringing joy into our lives is connecting with others. This…
Connecting to our ancestors empowers soul healing and guidance.
Our souls are on a divine mission. We carry forth healing and growth opportunities from our experiences and those of our ancestors. As part of our life’s journey, we sometimes need to go back into our ancestor’s history to uncover patterns that need to be healed and released. We need to connect with them to…
Imagine the miracles that are possible when you release to the universe.
My email last week focused on surrender and the ability to empower growth when you surrender to the flow. Have you ever taken the time to imagine what might be possible when you release to the universe, when you allow divine guidance to support your highest good? We are surrounded by angels, guides, and divine…
Sometimes the deepest growth happens when you surrender to the flow.
People often think of growth as something action-oriented. Like to grow, you have to take specific, thought-out actions. You need to be active in the process. The truth is that sometimes the deepest growth happens when you surrender to the flow. When you surrender to the flow, you allow divine guidance to lead your growth….
Calling in divine support provides guidance for our soul’s highest good.
Support comes from a variety of places. Friends, therapists, and coaches are examples. So are nature, animals, and angels. As angels are from the divine realm, they support our soul’s journey in a unique and special way. They help us with ancestral healing, with spiritual support, and with hearing our own divine wisdom. There are…
When you honor your heart, you find your way to your soul’s highest good.
Sometimes we feel internal conflicts. Sometimes we feel challenging emotions. Sometimes we don’t know the best next step. During these times, it is important to honor your heart. It will lead you to the most authentic route for your highest good. Honoring your heart entails being in self-care and presence. One good way to get…
The most important relationship is the one you have with yourself. Make it one based on love.
Today is Valentine’s Day. A day for celebrating love and relationships. The most important relationship is the one you have with yourself. It is the basis on which all of your relationships function. When you create a relationship with yourself based on love, freely and unconditionally, you are able to love others in a deep…
Choosing to see the silver lining empowers you to welcome the divine into your soul and life.
A client has been struggling recently with some personal challenges. As a result, she has felt some emotions that have been difficult to process. She wanted to feel empowered but was having a hard time reconciling all that she was feeling and thinking. It was blocking her divine guidance. During our coaching session, we focused…
Your inner voice will always speak the truth for your highest good.
Have you ever felt confused about a decision you needed to make and the best path forward? Do you have those moments where you feel dizzy with too many choices? Are you ever frozen in fear, unable to take the next right steps? It is in these moments that we need to ground, be still,…