Living a heart-centered life is the way to thrive as your authentic self. You are aligned, balanced, aware, and present.
Your actions line up with your intentions, which are true to your values and honor your deepest desires. You are accountable for yourself, taking action from a space of an empowered and connected soul. Choices are made from compassion for self and for others. You are living in divine flow.
When you live from your heart space, all that you are shines through. It is a most beautiful gift to and expression of your unique being.
Sometimes, life’s challenges get in the way of leading a heart-centered life. These can include events such as losing a job, divorce, and witnessing or being involved in a traumatic experience. They can also include emotional challenges, bullying of any sort, or perhaps growing up in an environment where we felt unheard or unloved, even if our parents’ tried their best.
When these challenges occur, we can disconnect from ourselves and from our heart’s guidance. We may become guarded in some way, perhaps in ways in which we are not aware. Or we may simply want to find tools that help us navigate with more ease while staying connected to our deepest inner knowing.
If you want help to discover how to live your heart-centered life then schedule time to meet with me HERE.
You can also reach out to me at if you have any requests, feedback, or would like to contact me directly.
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