This pandemic has changed many things about how we go about our daily lives. And how we view balance.
The way we conduct business changed for many, as well as the way we interact with others. What we did for self-care has also shifted for some.
Relationships and how we interact with work and loved ones shifted.
Many jobs that had required people to be in their offices and conduct meetings face-to-face are now remote from home using web-based technology to interact. Phone calls and video calls have replaced in person events. And going out was, and may be still in place for others, not something we did unless the activity was deemed essential.
In some areas, restrictions are lifting. There is another wave of shifting in process. And the future of certain things has yet to fully play out.
All of this has impacted balance for many. In how we balance work and home life, in how we balance self-care and social interactions. Some are struggling with emotions such as anxiety and loneliness, feeling out of balance with the “old ways” and habits.
A healthy and thriving life is all about balance. And the goods news is that this balance can be found and sustained in life’s challenges. We have the innate tools to helps us achieve this. I do. You do too.
If you find that you need some assistance finding your way to balance, set up a time to meet with me HERE. I can guide you towards finding your way to thriving by learning how to hear and trust your inner guidance.
You can also reach out to me at if you have any requests, feedback, or would like to contact me directly.
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