Intuitive message inspired by Moonlight
from the GAIA Oracle deck by Toni Carmine Salerno
This card makes me feel peaceful. The moon has always had a special pull for me. The Goddess energy shines clear, pure and calls to me.
When I was younger I loved to watch the phases of the moon and feel my own energy ebb and flow with them. I have more energy as the full moon approaches and need to rest and conserve my energy around the new moon. Honoring this understanding has made my life so much simpler. When I try to work against this cycle, it does not go smoothly. I can use my will power to push through and complete tasks but they flow so much easier when I time them with my moon energy.
I was not surprised to look up the phase of the moon for today and learn that it is a full moon. My body is aware of the cycle and if I pay attention tells me all I need to know. This full moon shines as a beacon to us all to feel our connection with mother earth. As we feel the cycle within the cycle, we reconnect with our natural rhythm. We know when we will be most productive and when to pull in and honor our spiritual side.
Through the rest of the month as we approach the winter solstice and for those of us who are Christians as we approach Christmas, we also approach the new moon. This is a time of deepening spirituality and grace. This is a time to not get caught up in the frenetic energy of mankind and the “holidays” but to feel the peace that the longest nights of the year bring to us if we have the courage to accept it.
Long not for the bright energy of the sun but rejoice in the peaceful glow of the moon. Enjoy the long nights that are coming and allow yourself time to reflect and prepare for the energy burst in the New Year.
Written for LWTAs
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