Angel message inspired by Purification (Water)
from the GAIA Oracle deck by Toni Carmine Salerno
Many of us this week are preparing for the feast of Thanksgiving. This great American holiday is one of profound gratitude for all we have been given and are open to receive. This angel is stepping forward to remind us to also let go of things that no longer serve us. Part of our preparation to give thanks and receive blessings can be to shed energy and things that are preventing us from receiving the blessing that await us.
As we release old patterns and thoughts we create space for healthier ones to fill the void. The weight of negativity and anger can be replaced by the lightness of divine love and unconditional acceptance.
Let us all be like this angel who is stepping out of the murky past and shedding her cloak of negativity. She joyfully moves forward, open to the gifts that await her.
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