Our animals often come into our lives to help us heal from a life lesson or a particular challenge. My cat PD came in to my life to help me with staying focused and with patience. From the beginning, he challenged me.
He was one of 49 cats and two dogs in an animal hoarding situation. When he first came to live with us, he would create space for himself by pushing things off of counters, night stands, dressers and shelves. He did it to get attention, and he did it because he felt closed in.
I was forced to take his suggestion to create more space for him and to clear out things I no longer needed in my life. A lamp that was pushed off the dresser three or four times was given away. Other various items he chose to let me know that I no longer needed were given away. A crystal clock with negative energy had to be thrown away because I did not pay attention and it eventually was smashed to pieces.
So I learned to listen to him. When he starts focusing on an object in the house, I look at it and ask “What is his message? Do I need to keep this? Is it in the wrong place?” As I pay attention to his suggestions, I can move or give away items that no longer serve me instead of them ending up in the trash because I did not listen.
One of his latest lessons to me is when I am in distraction energy, and not really focusing on what I need to take care of. When I am spinning in my head and out of my body and not really able to accomplish the work that I need to get done it is difficult for me to notice that I need to center myself.
It has been years since he pushed things off and created space for himself but recently he started jumping up again just making sure I knew he is up there. I started to pay attention to how I was feeling when he did this; I was anxious, I was stressing out about accomplishing something and I really needed to take a break. He would give me a break because I would get up and rescue whatever he was playing with and it would break the negative energy pattern I was in.
I started to focus on how I am feeling when he “acts up” and to pay attention to what his message was for me. I acknowledged his lesson, I was able to breathe, center myself, or get up and take a break and get myself back into my body. Then I had the clarity to focus my energy on what I really needed to accomplish. He is a beautiful gift, and a teacher to me.
So here are three tips to help you pay attention to messages from your animal friends.
- How are you feeling? Notice what you are thinking and feeling when an animal is trying to get your attention. Whether it’s a dog barking at something on the street, a cat pushing something off a dresser, or a bird sitting outside your window. What are you feeling? And how does that need to change?
- Multiple sightings. Pay attention to repeat or multiple sightings of the same animal. I had a toad that sat outside on my deck for almost two weeks until I completely acknowledged him and honored the message he was giving me. I did notice him but I did not take the time to think about what his message was for me. One morning he was still there and I focused on what he wanted me to know. I looked up Toad’s message in a book and spent some meditation time on his message. When I went back out later in the day, he was gone. I had gotten the message and you can do the same thing.
- Dream journal. Animals will also come to us in dreams. Pay attention to your dreams. Keep a small notebook or journal next to your bed so you can record your dreams. Then you will easily be able to notice patterns. Is the same animal showing up multiple times? Does the animal change into something else at some point of time? These are all way to get a deeper understanding of what their message is for you.
Our animal friends have so much wisdom and guidance to share with us! Start paying attention to what messages they want you to know.
If you feel like you need some guidance to help you get started with messages from your animals, then I invite you to sign up for an Animal Speak session with me.
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